Many New Yorkers provide some sort of support or assistance for older, sick, or disabled family members and friends. You know you are helping, but you do not think of yourself as a caregiver. However, you are indeed a caregiver.
Caregivers are daughters, wives, husbands, sons, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, partners and friends. These are the typical unpaid caregivers. But there are also paid caregivers, in the form of home aides and home attendants.
If you provide any of the following activities then you are a caregiver:
- Food shopping or meal planning
- Home cleaning
- Assist a family member with getting dressed
- Sets medical appointments or accompanies a family member or friend to doctor’s appointments
- Talks to doctors regarding a family member or friend’s illness
- Assistance with getting around inside and/or outside of the home
- Transportation assistance
- Assistance with keeping financial records and banking
For the most part, unpaid family, friends and neighbors provide the vast majority of healthcare in New York City. And many do not realize they are “Caregivers”, nor do they realize there are support programs for caregivers and the loved one they are caring for.
Now that you know the definition of caregiver, be sure to check daily for information and resources that will help you to care for your loved one or friend. Resources include caregiver events, home care agencies, support group information, transportation assistance, getting paid for being the caregiver, post-surgery assistance, choosing a rehab facility after surgery, and a lot more.
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